python et le calcul du chemin le plus court ******************************************* un petit bout de code bien sympathique pour calculer le chemin le plus court entre deux points via une matrice d’évaluation des distances et l’algo de Dijkstra. En gros on donne une valeur pour la distance entre 2 points (A -> B a une valeur, B -> A en a une autre) Puis on lance le calcul .. code-block:: python # file # Priority dictionary using binary heaps # David Eppstein, UC Irvine, 8 Mar 2002 # extract on from __future__ import generators class priorityDictionary(dict): def __init__(self): '''Initialize priorityDictionary by creating binary heap of pairs (value,key). Note that changing or removing a dict entry will not remove the old pair from the heap until it is found by smallest() or until the heap is rebuilt.''' self.__heap = [] dict.__init__(self) def smallest(self): '''Find smallest item after removing deleted items from heap.''' if len(self) == 0: raise IndexError, "smallest of empty priorityDictionary" heap = self.__heap while heap[0][1] not in self or self[heap[0][1]] != heap[0][0]: lastItem = heap.pop() insertionPoint = 0 while 1: smallChild = 2*insertionPoint+1 if smallChild+1 < len(heap) and \ heap[smallChild] > heap[smallChild+1]: smallChild += 1 if smallChild >= len(heap) or lastItem <= heap[smallChild]: heap[insertionPoint] = lastItem break heap[insertionPoint] = heap[smallChild] insertionPoint = smallChild return heap[0][1] def __iter__(self): '''Create destructive sorted iterator of priorityDictionary.''' def iterfn(): while len(self) > 0: x = self.smallest() yield x del self[x] return iterfn() def __setitem__(self,key,val): '''Change value stored in dictionary and add corresponding pair to heap. Rebuilds the heap if the number of deleted items grows too large, to avoid memory leakage.''' dict.__setitem__(self,key,val) heap = self.__heap if len(heap) > 2 * len(self): self.__heap = [(v,k) for k,v in self.iteritems()] self.__heap.sort() # builtin sort likely faster than O(n) heapify else: newPair = (val,key) insertionPoint = len(heap) heap.append(None) while insertionPoint > 0 and \ newPair < heap[(insertionPoint-1)//2]: heap[insertionPoint] = heap[(insertionPoint-1)//2] insertionPoint = (insertionPoint-1)//2 heap[insertionPoint] = newPair def setdefault(self,key,val): '''Reimplement setdefault to call our customized __setitem__.''' if key not in self: self[key] = val return self[key] # file # Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest paths # David Eppstein, UC Irvine, 4 April 2002 # extract on # from priodict import priorityDictionary def Dijkstra(G,start,end=None): D = {} # dictionary of final distances P = {} # dictionary of predecessors Q = priorityDictionary() # est.dist. of non-final vert. Q[start] = 0 for v in Q: D[v] = Q[v] if v == end: break for w in G[v]: vwLength = D[v] + G[v][w] if w in D: if vwLength < D[w]: raise ValueError, \ "Dijkstra: found better path to already-final vertex" elif w not in Q or vwLength < Q[w]: Q[w] = vwLength P[w] = v return (D,P) def shortestPath(G,start,end): """ Find a single shortest path from the given start vertex to the given end vertex. The input has the same conventions as Dijkstra(). The output is a list of the vertices in order along the shortest path. """ D,P = Dijkstra(G,start,end) Path = [] while 1: Path.append(end) if end == start: break end = P[end] Path.reverse() return Path if __name__ == "__main__": #G = {'s':{'u':10, 'x':5}, 'u':{'v':1, 'x':2}, 'v':{'y':4}, 'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2}, # 'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}, 'w':{}} #print shortestPath(G,'s','w') G = {'MSK100':{'MPLIE':1, 'MPSFT':1, 'MPCLG':1,'MRE100':1}, 'MPLIE':{'MSK100':1}, 'MPSFT':{'MSK100':1}, 'MPCLG':{'MSK100':1}, 'MRE100':{'MSK100':1, 'MPDSC':1,'MMO100':1, 'MPCLG2':1, 'MPCCP':1, 'MPFCO':1}, 'MPCLG2':{'MRE100':1}, 'MPCCP':{'MRE100':1}, 'MPFCO':{'MRE100':1}, 'MPDSC':{'MRE100':1}, 'MMO100':{'MPCLT':1, 'MPPLA':1}, 'MPCLT':{'MMO100':1}, 'MPPLA':{'MMO100':1} } print shortestPath(G,'MSK100','MPPLA')