tree en tkinter *************** exemple de rendu .. figure:: data/20100811_2.jpg .. code-block:: python # Highly optimized Tkinter tree control # by Charles E. "Gene" Cash # # This is documented more fully on my homepage at # and if it's not there, look in the Vaults # of Parnassus at which I promise to keep # updated. # # Thanks to Laurent Claustre for sending lots of helpful # bug reports. # # This copyright license is intended to be similar to the FreeBSD license. # # Copyright 1998 Gene Cash All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY GENE CASH ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # This means you may do anything you want with this code, except claim you # wrote it. Also, if it breaks you get to keep both pieces. # # 02-DEC-98 Started writing code. # 22-NOV-99 Changed garbage collection to a better algorithm. # 28-AUG-01 Added logic to deal with exceptions in user callbacks. # 02-SEP-01 Fixed hang when closing last node. # 07-SEP-01 Added binding tracking so nodes got garbage-collected. # Also fixed subclass call to initialize Canvas to properly deal # with variable arguments and keyword arguments. # 11-SEP-01 Bugfix for unbinding code. # 13-OCT-01 Added delete & insert methods for nodes (by email request). # LOTS of code cleanup. # Changed leading double underscores to PVT nomenclature. # Added ability to pass Node subclass to Tree constructor. # Removed after_callback since subclassing Node is better idea. # 15-OCT-01 Finally added drag'n'drop support. It consisted of a simple # change to the Node PVT_click method, and addition of logic like # the example in It took 3 days to grok the Tkdnd # example and 2 hours to make the code changes. Plus another 1/2 # day to get a working where() function. # 16-OCT-01 Incorporated fixes to delete() and dnd_commit() bugs by # Laurent Claustre . # 17-OCT-01 Added find_full_id() and cursor_node() methods. # 18-OCT-01 Fixes to delete() on root during collapse and with # drag-in-progress flag by Laurent Claustre . # 10-FEB-02 Fix to prev_visible() by Nicolas Pascal . # Fixes which made insert_before()/insert_after() actually work. # Also added expand/collapse indicators like Internet Explorer # as requested by Nicolas. # 11-FEB-02 Another fix to prev_visible(). It works this time. Honest. # 31-MAY-02 Added documentation strings so the new PYthon 2.2 help function # is a little more useful. # 19-AUG-02 Minor fix to eliminate crash in "" caused by # referencing expand/collapse indicators when lines are turned off. # 15-OCT-02 Used new idiom for calling Canvas superclass. # 18-NOV-02 Fixed bug discovered by Amanjit Gill , where # I didn't pass "master" properly to the Canvas superclass. Sigh. # One step forward, one step back. import Tkdnd from Tkinter import * #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def report_callback_exception(): """report exception on sys.stderr.""" import traceback import sys sys.stderr.write("Exception in Tree control callback\n") traceback.print_exc() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Struct: """Helper object for add_node() method""" def __init__(self): pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Node: """Tree helper class that's instantiated for each element in the tree. It has several useful attributes: parent_node - immediate parent node id - id assigned at creation expanded_icon - image displayed when folder is expanded to display children collapsed_icon - image displayed when node is not a folder or folder is collapsed. parent_widget - reference to tree widget that contains node. expandable_flag - is true when node is a folder that may be expanded or collapsed. expanded_flag - true to indicate node is currently expanded. h_line - canvas line to left of node image. v_line - canvas line below node image that connects children. indic - expand/collapse canvas image. label - canvas text label symbol - current canvas image Please note that methods prefixed PVT_* are not meant to be used by client programs.""" def __init__(self, parent_node, id, collapsed_icon, x, y, parent_widget=None, expanded_icon=None, label=None, expandable_flag=0): """Create node and initialize it. This also displays the node at the given position on the canvas, and binds mouseclicks.""" # immediate parent node self.parent_node=parent_node # internal name used to manipulate things # bitmaps to be displayed self.expanded_icon=expanded_icon self.collapsed_icon=collapsed_icon # tree widget we belong to if parent_widget: self.widget=parent_widget else: self.widget=parent_node.widget # for speed sw=self.widget # our list of child nodes self.child_nodes=[] # flag that node can be expanded self.expandable_flag=expandable_flag self.expanded_flag=0 # add line if parent_node and sw.line_flag: self.h_line=sw.create_line(x, y, x-sw.dist_x, y) else: self.h_line=None self.v_line=None # draw approprate image self.symbol=sw.create_image(x, y, image=self.collapsed_icon) # add expand/collapse indicator self.indic=None if expandable_flag and sw.line_flag and sw.plus_icon and sw.minus_icon: self.indic=sw.create_image(x-sw.dist_x, y, image=sw.plus_icon) # add label self.label=sw.create_text(x+sw.text_offset, y, text=label, anchor='w') # single-click to expand/collapse if self.indic: sw.tag_bind(self.indic, '<1>', self.PVT_click) else: sw.tag_bind(self.symbol, '<1>', self.PVT_click) # for drag'n'drop target detection sw.tag_bind(self.symbol, '', self.PVT_enter) sw.tag_bind(self.label, '', self.PVT_enter) # for testing (gotta make sure nodes get properly GC'ed) #def __del__(self): # print self.full_id(), 'deleted' # ----- PUBLIC METHODS ----- def set_collapsed_icon(self, icon): """Set node's collapsed image""" self.collapsed_icon=icon if not self.expanded_flag: self.widget.itemconfig(self.symbol, image=icon) def set_expanded_icon(self, icon): """Set node's expanded image""" self.expanded_icon=icon if self.expanded_flag: self.widget.itemconfig(self.symbol, image=icon) def parent(self): """Return node's parent node""" return self.parent_node def prev_sib(self): """Return node's previous sibling (the child immediately above it)""" i=self.parent_node.child_nodes.index(self)-1 if i >= 0: return self.parent_node.child_nodes[i] else: return None def next_sib(self): """Return node's next sibling (the child immediately below it)""" i=self.parent_node.child_nodes.index(self)+1 if i < len(self.parent_node.child_nodes): return self.parent_node.child_nodes[i] else: return None def next_visible(self): """Return next lower visible node""" n=self if n.child_nodes: # if you can go right, do so return n.child_nodes[0] while n.parent_node: # move to next sibling i=n.parent_node.child_nodes.index(n)+1 if i < len(n.parent_node.child_nodes): return n.parent_node.child_nodes[i] # if no siblings, move to parent's sibling n=n.parent_node # we're at bottom return self def prev_visible(self): """Return next higher visible node""" n=self if n.parent_node: i=n.parent_node.child_nodes.index(n)-1 if i < 0: return n.parent_node else: j=n.parent_node.child_nodes[i] return j.PVT_last() else: return n def children(self): """Return list of node's children""" return self.child_nodes[:] def get_label(self): """Return string containing text of current label""" return self.widget.itemcget(self.label, 'text') def set_label(self, label): """Set current text label""" self.widget.itemconfig(self.label, text=label) def expanded(self): """Returns true if node is currently expanded, false otherwise""" return self.expanded_flag def expandable(self): """Returns true if node can be expanded (i.e. if it's a folder)""" return self.expandable_flag def full_id(self): """Return list of IDs of all parents and node ID""" if self.parent_node: return self.parent_node.full_id()+(,) else: return (,) def expand(self): """Expand node if possible""" if not self.expanded_flag: self.PVT_set_state(1) def collapse(self): """Collapse node if possible""" if self.expanded_flag: self.PVT_set_state(0) def delete(self, me_too=1): """Delete node from tree. ("me_too" is a hack not to be used by external code, please!)""" sw=self.widget if not self.parent_node and me_too: # can't delete the root node raise ValueError, "can't delete root node" self.PVT_delete_subtree() # move everything up so that distance to next subnode is correct n=self.next_visible() x1, y1=sw.coords(self.symbol) x2, y2=sw.coords(n.symbol) if me_too: dist=y2-y1 else: dist=y2-y1-sw.dist_y self.PVT_tag_move(-dist) n=self if me_too: if sw.pos == self: # move cursor if it points to current node sw.move_cursor(self.parent_node) self.PVT_unbind_all() sw.delete(self.symbol) sw.delete(self.label) sw.delete(self.h_line) sw.delete(self.v_line) sw.delete(self.indic) self.parent_node.child_nodes.remove(self) # break circular ref now, so parent may be GC'ed later n=self.parent_node self.parent_node=None n.PVT_cleanup_lines() n.PVT_update_scrollregion() def insert_before(self, nodes): """Insert list of nodes as siblings before this node. Call parent node's add_node() function to generate the list of nodes.""" i=self.parent_node.child_nodes.index(self) self.parent_node.PVT_insert(nodes, i, self.prev_visible()) def insert_after(self, nodes): """Insert list of nodes as siblings after this node. Call parent node's add_node() function to generate the list of nodes.""" i=self.parent_node.child_nodes.index(self)+1 self.parent_node.PVT_insert(nodes, i, self.PVT_last()) def insert_children(self, nodes): """Insert list of nodes as children of this node. Call node's add_node() function to generate the list of nodes.""" self.PVT_insert(nodes, 0, self) def toggle_state(self): """Toggle node's state between expanded and collapsed, if possible""" if self.expandable_flag: if self.expanded_flag: self.PVT_set_state(0) else: self.PVT_set_state(1) # ----- functions for drag'n'drop support ----- def PVT_enter(self, event): """detect mouse hover for drag'n'drop""" def dnd_end(self, target, event): """Notification that dnd processing has been ended. It DOES NOT imply that we've been dropped somewhere useful, we could have just been dropped into deep space and nothing happened to any data structures, or it could have been just a plain mouse-click w/o any dragging.""" if not self.widget.drag: # if there's been no dragging, it was just a mouse click self.widget.move_cursor(self) self.toggle_state() self.widget.drag=0 # ----- PRIVATE METHODS (prefixed with "PVT_") ----- # these methods are subject to change, so please try not to use them def PVT_last(self): """Return bottom-most node in subtree""" n=self while n.child_nodes: n=n.child_nodes[-1] return n def PVT_find(self, search): """Used by searching functions""" if != search[0]: # this actually only goes tilt if root doesn't match return None if len(search) == 1: return self # get list of children IDs i=map(lambda x:, self.child_nodes) # if there is a child that matches, search it try: return self.child_nodes[i.index(search[1])].PVT_find(search[1:]) except: return None def PVT_insert(self, nodes, pos, below): """Create and insert new children. "nodes" is list previously created via calls to add_list(). "pos" is index in the list of children where the new nodes are inserted. "below" is node which new children should appear immediately below.""" if not self.expandable_flag: raise TypeError, 'not an expandable node' # for speed sw=self.widget # expand and insert children children=[] self.expanded_flag=1 sw.itemconfig(self.symbol, image=self.expanded_icon) if sw.minus_icon and sw.line_flag: sw.itemconfig(self.indic, image=sw.minus_icon) if len(nodes): # move stuff to make room below.PVT_tag_move(sw.dist_y*len(nodes)) # get position of first new child xp, dummy=sw.coords(self.symbol) dummy, yp=sw.coords(below.symbol) xp=xp+sw.dist_x yp=yp+sw.dist_y # create vertical line if sw.line_flag and not self.v_line: self.v_line=sw.create_line( xp, yp, xp, yp+sw.dist_y*len(nodes)) sw.tag_lower(self.v_line, self.symbol) n=sw.node_class for i in nodes: # add new subnodes, they'll draw themselves # this is a very expensive call children.append( n(parent_node=self, expandable_flag=i.flag,,, collapsed_icon=i.collapsed_icon, expanded_icon=i.expanded_icon, x=xp, y=yp)) yp=yp+sw.dist_y self.child_nodes[pos:pos]=children self.PVT_cleanup_lines() self.PVT_update_scrollregion() sw.move_cursor(sw.pos) def PVT_set_state(self, state): """Common code forexpanding/collapsing folders. It's not re-entrant, and there are certain cases in which we can be called again before we're done, so we use a mutex.""" while self.widget.spinlock: pass self.widget.spinlock=1 # expand & draw our subtrees if state: self.child_nodes=[] self.widget.new_nodes=[] if self.widget.get_contents_callback: # this callback needs to make multiple calls to add_node() try: self.widget.get_contents_callback(self) except: report_callback_exception() self.PVT_insert(self.widget.new_nodes, 0, self) # collapse and delete subtrees else: self.expanded_flag=0 self.widget.itemconfig(self.symbol, image=self.collapsed_icon) if self.indic: self.widget.itemconfig(self.indic, image=self.widget.plus_icon) self.delete(0) # release mutex self.widget.spinlock=0 def PVT_cleanup_lines(self): """Resize connecting lines""" if self.widget.line_flag: n=self while n: if n.child_nodes: x1, y1=self.widget.coords(n.symbol) x2, y2=self.widget.coords(n.child_nodes[-1].symbol) self.widget.coords(n.v_line, x1, y1, x1, y2) n=n.parent_node def PVT_update_scrollregion(self): """Update scroll region for new size""" x1, y1, x2, y2=self.widget.bbox('all') self.widget.configure(scrollregion=(x1, y1, x2+5, y2+5)) def PVT_delete_subtree(self): """Recursively delete subtree & clean up cyclic references to make garbage collection happy""" sw=self.widget sw.delete(self.v_line) self.v_line=None for i in self.child_nodes: # delete node's subtree, if any i.PVT_delete_subtree() i.PVT_unbind_all() # delete widgets from canvas sw.delete(i.symbol) sw.delete(i.label) sw.delete(i.h_line) sw.delete(i.v_line) sw.delete(i.indic) # break circular reference i.parent_node=None # move cursor if it's in deleted subtree if sw.pos in self.child_nodes: sw.move_cursor(self) # now subnodes will be properly garbage collected self.child_nodes=[] def PVT_unbind_all(self): """Unbind callbacks so node gets garbage-collected. This wasn't easy to figure out the proper way to do this. See also tag_bind() for the Tree widget itself.""" for j in (self.symbol, self.label, self.indic, self.h_line, self.v_line): for k in self.widget.bindings.get(j, ()): self.widget.tag_unbind(j, k[0], k[1]) def PVT_tag_move(self, dist): """Move everything below current icon, to make room for subtree using the Disney magic of item tags. This is the secret of making everything as fast as it is.""" # mark everything below current node as movable bbox1=self.widget.bbox(self.widget.root.symbol, self.label) bbox2=self.widget.bbox('all') self.widget.dtag('move') self.widget.addtag('move', 'overlapping', bbox2[0], bbox1[3], bbox2[2], bbox2[3]) # untag cursor & node so they don't get moved too self.widget.dtag(self.widget.cursor_box, 'move') self.widget.dtag(self.symbol, 'move') self.widget.dtag(self.label, 'move') # now do the move of all the tagged objects self.widget.move('move', 0, dist) def PVT_click(self, event): """Handle mouse clicks by kicking off possible drag'n'drop processing""" if self.widget.drop_callback: if Tkdnd.dnd_start(self, event): x1, y1, x2, y2=self.widget.bbox(self.symbol) self.x_off=(x1-x2)/2 self.y_off=(y1-y2)/2 else: # no callback, don't bother with drag'n'drop self.widget.drag=0 self.dnd_end(None, None) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Tree(Canvas): # do we have enough possible arguments?!?!?! def __init__(self, master, root_id, root_label='', get_contents_callback=None, dist_x=15, dist_y=15, text_offset=10, line_flag=1, expanded_icon=None, collapsed_icon=None, regular_icon=None, plus_icon=None, minus_icon=None, node_class=Node, drop_callback=None, *args, **kw_args): # pass args to superclass (new idiom from Python 2.2) Canvas.__init__(self, master, *args, **kw_args) # this allows to subclass Node and pass our class in self.node_class=node_class # keep track of node bindings self.bindings={} # cheap mutex spinlock self.spinlock=0 # flag to see if there's been any d&d dragging self.drag=0 # default images (BASE64-encoded GIF files) if expanded_icon == None: self.expanded_icon=PhotoImage( data='R0lGODlhEAANAKIAAAAAAMDAwICAgP//////ADAwMAAAAAAA' \ 'ACH5BAEAAAEALAAAAAAQAA0AAAM6GCrM+jCIQamIbw6ybXNSx3GVB' \ 'YRiygnA534Eq5UlO8jUqLYsquuy0+SXap1CxBHr+HoBjoGndDpNAAA7') else: self.expanded_icon=expanded_icon if collapsed_icon == None: self.collapsed_icon=PhotoImage( data='R0lGODlhDwANAKIAAAAAAMDAwICAgP//////ADAwMAAAAAAA' \ 'ACH5BAEAAAEALAAAAAAPAA0AAAMyGCHM+lAMMoeAT9Jtm5NDKI4Wo' \ 'FXcJphhipanq7Kvu8b1dLc5tcuom2foAQQAyKRSmQAAOw==') else: self.collapsed_icon=collapsed_icon if regular_icon == None: self.regular_icon=PhotoImage( data='R0lGODlhCwAOAJEAAAAAAICAgP///8DAwCH5BAEAAAMALAAA' \ 'AAALAA4AAAIphA+jA+JuVgtUtMQePJlWCgSN9oSTV5lkKQpo2q5W+' \ 'wbzuJrIHgw1WgAAOw==') else: self.regular_icon=regular_icon if plus_icon == None: self.plus_icon=PhotoImage( data='R0lGODdhCQAJAPEAAAAAAH9/f////wAAACwAAAAACQAJAAAC' \ 'FIyPoiu2sJyCyoF7W3hxz850CFIA\nADs=') else: self.plus_icon=plus_icon if minus_icon == None: self.minus_icon=PhotoImage( data='R0lGODdhCQAJAPEAAAAAAH9/f////wAAACwAAAAACQAJAAAC' \ 'EYyPoivG614LAlg7ZZbxoR8UADs=') else: self.minus_icon=minus_icon # horizontal distance that subtrees are indented self.dist_x=dist_x # vertical distance between rows self.dist_y=dist_y # how far to offset text label self.text_offset=text_offset # flag controlling connecting line display self.line_flag=line_flag # called just before subtree expand/collapse self.get_contents_callback=get_contents_callback # called after drag'n'drop self.drop_callback=drop_callback # create root node to get the ball rolling self.root=node_class(parent_node=None, label=root_label, id=root_id, expandable_flag=1, collapsed_icon=self.collapsed_icon, expanded_icon=self.expanded_icon, x=dist_x, y=dist_y, parent_widget=self) # configure for scrollbar(s) x1, y1, x2, y2=self.bbox('all') self.configure(scrollregion=(x1, y1, x2+5, y2+5)) # add a cursor self.cursor_box=self.create_rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0) self.move_cursor(self.root) # make it easy to point to control self.bind('', self.PVT_mousefocus) # totally arbitrary yet hopefully intuitive default keybindings # stole 'em from ones used by microsoft tree control # page-up/page-down self.bind('', self.pagedown) self.bind('', self.pageup) # arrow-up/arrow-down self.bind('', self.bind('', self.prev) # arrow-left/arrow-right self.bind('', self.ascend) # (hold this down and you expand the entire tree) self.bind('', self.descend) # home/end self.bind('', self.first) self.bind('', self.last) # space bar self.bind('', self.toggle) # ----- PRIVATE METHODS (prefixed with "PVT_") ----- # these methods are subject to change, so please try not to use them def PVT_mousefocus(self, event): """Soak up event argument when moused-over""" self.focus_set() # ----- PUBLIC METHODS ----- def tag_bind(self, tag, seq, *args, **kw_args): """Keep track of callback bindings so we can delete them later. I shouldn't have to do this!!!!""" # pass args to superclass func_id=apply(Canvas.tag_bind, (self, tag, seq)+args, kw_args) # save references self.bindings[tag]=self.bindings.get(tag, [])+[(seq, func_id)] def add_list(self, list=None, name=None, id=None, flag=0, expanded_icon=None, collapsed_icon=None): """Add node construction info to list""" n=Struct() n.flag=flag if collapsed_icon: n.collapsed_icon=collapsed_icon else: if flag: # it's expandable, use closed folder icon n.collapsed_icon=self.collapsed_icon else: # it's not expandable, use regular file icon n.collapsed_icon=self.regular_icon if flag: if expanded_icon: n.expanded_icon=expanded_icon else: n.expanded_icon=self.expanded_icon else: # not expandable, don't need an icon n.expanded_icon=None if list == None: list=[] list.append(n) return list def add_node(self, name=None, id=None, flag=0, expanded_icon=None, collapsed_icon=None): """Add a node during get_contents_callback()""" self.add_list(self.new_nodes, name, id, flag, expanded_icon, collapsed_icon) def find_full_id(self, search): """Search for a node""" return self.root.PVT_find(search) def cursor_node(self, search): """Return node under cursor""" return self.pos def see(self, *items): """Scroll (in a series of nudges) so items are visible""" x1, y1, x2, y2=apply(self.bbox, items) while x2 > self.canvasx(0)+self.winfo_width(): old=self.canvasx(0) self.xview('scroll', 1, 'units') # avoid endless loop if we can't scroll if old == self.canvasx(0): break while y2 > self.canvasy(0)+self.winfo_height(): old=self.canvasy(0) self.yview('scroll', 1, 'units') if old == self.canvasy(0): break # done in this order to ensure upper-left of object is visible while x1 < self.canvasx(0): old=self.canvasx(0) self.xview('scroll', -1, 'units') if old == self.canvasx(0): break while y1 < self.canvasy(0): old=self.canvasy(0) self.yview('scroll', -1, 'units') if old == self.canvasy(0): break def move_cursor(self, node): """Move cursor to node""" self.pos=node x1, y1, x2, y2=self.bbox(node.symbol, node.label) self.coords(self.cursor_box, x1-1, y1-1, x2+1, y2+1) self.see(node.symbol, node.label) def toggle(self, event=None): """Expand/collapse subtree""" self.pos.toggle_state() def next(self, event=None): """Move to next lower visible node""" self.move_cursor(self.pos.next_visible()) def prev(self, event=None): """Move to next higher visible node""" self.move_cursor(self.pos.prev_visible()) def ascend(self, event=None): """Move to immediate parent""" if self.pos.parent_node: # move to parent self.move_cursor(self.pos.parent_node) def descend(self, event=None): """Move right, expanding as we go""" if self.pos.expandable_flag: self.pos.expand() if self.pos.child_nodes: # move to first subnode self.move_cursor(self.pos.child_nodes[0]) return # if no subnodes, move to next sibling def first(self, event=None): """Go to root node""" # move to root node self.move_cursor(self.root) def last(self, event=None): """Go to last visible node""" # move to bottom-most node self.move_cursor(self.root.PVT_last()) def pageup(self, event=None): """Previous page""" n=self.pos j=self.winfo_height()/self.dist_y for i in range(j-3): n=n.prev_visible() self.yview('scroll', -1, 'pages') self.move_cursor(n) def pagedown(self, event=None): """Next page""" n=self.pos j=self.winfo_height()/self.dist_y for i in range(j-3): n=n.next_visible() self.yview('scroll', 1, 'pages') self.move_cursor(n) # ----- functions for drag'n'drop support ----- def where(self, event): """Determine drag location in canvas coordinates. event.x & event.y don't seem to be what we want.""" # where the corner of the canvas is relative to the screen: x_org=self.winfo_rootx() y_org=self.winfo_rooty() # where the pointer is relative to the canvas widget, # including scrolling x=self.canvasx(event.x_root-x_org) y=self.canvasy(event.y_root-y_org) return x, y def dnd_accept(self, source, event): """Accept dnd messages, i.e. we're a legit drop target, and we do implement d&d functions.""" return self def dnd_enter(self, source, event): """Get ready to drag or drag has entered widget (create drag object)""" # this flag lets us know there's been drag motion self.drag=1 x, y=self.where(event) x1, y1, x2, y2=source.widget.bbox(source.symbol, source.label) dx, dy=x2-x1, y2-y1 # create dragging icon if source.expanded_flag: self.dnd_symbol=self.create_image(x, y, image=source.expanded_icon) else: self.dnd_symbol=self.create_image(x, y, image=source.collapsed_icon) self.dnd_label=self.create_text(x+self.text_offset, y, text=source.get_label(), justify='left', anchor='w') def dnd_motion(self, source, event): """Move drag icon""" self.drag=1 x, y=self.where(event) x1, y1, x2, y2=self.bbox(self.dnd_symbol, self.dnd_label) self.move(self.dnd_symbol, x-x1+source.x_off, y-y1+source.y_off) self.move(self.dnd_label, x-x1+source.x_off, y-y1+source.y_off) def dnd_leave(self, source, event): """Finish dragging or drag has left widget (destroy drag object)""" self.delete(self.dnd_symbol) self.delete(self.dnd_label) def dnd_commit(self, source, event): """Object has been dropped here""" # call our own dnd_leave() to clean up self.dnd_leave(source, event) # process pending events to detect target node # update_idletasks() doesn't do the trick if source & target are # on different widgets self.update() if not # no target node return # we must update data structures based on the drop if self.drop_callback: try: # called with dragged node and target node # this is where a file manager would move the actual file # it must also move the nodes around as it wishes self.drop_callback(source, except: report_callback_exception() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # the good 'ol test/demo code if __name__ == '__main__': import os import sys # default routine to get contents of subtree # supply this for a different type of app # argument is the node object being expanded # should call add_node() def get_contents(node): path=apply(os.path.join, node.full_id()) for filename in os.listdir(path): full=os.path.join(path, filename) name=filename folder=0 if os.path.isdir(full): # it's a directory folder=1 elif not os.path.isfile(full): # but it's not a file name=name+' (special)' if os.path.islink(full): # it's a link name=name+' (link to '+os.readlink(full)+')' node.widget.add_node(name=name, id=filename, flag=folder) root=Tk() root.title(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) tree=os.sep if sys.platform == 'win32': # we could call the root "My Computer" and mess with get_contents() # to return "A:", "B:", "C:", ... etc. as it's children, but that # would just be terminally cute and I'd have to shoot myself tree='C:'+os.sep # create the control t=Tree(master=root, root_id=tree, root_label=tree, get_contents_callback=get_contents, width=300) t.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew') # make expandable root.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # add scrollbars sb=Scrollbar(root) sb.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ns') t.configure(yscrollcommand=sb.set) sb.configure(command=t.yview) sb=Scrollbar(root, orient=HORIZONTAL) sb.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='ew') t.configure(xscrollcommand=sb.set) sb.configure(command=t.xview) # must get focus so keys work for demo t.focus_set() # we could do without this, but it's nice and friendly to have Button(root, text='Quit', command=root.quit).grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2) # expand out the root t.root.expand() root.mainloop()